The continuing adventures of Akira and Shiro, two Shiba Inus.
wow, akira looks so cool! hey shiro, what are you chewing? is that a wood i see?wet wet licksBoo
you guys are so cute my mom said she just wants to HUG you!!!
You 2 look so handsome. Is Shiro chewing on a rock? Sunshade would love that.~ fufu
hey akira & shiro,happy new year! wish you have a very very eventful and happy new year.wet wet licksBoo
yes, it is a rock! i love my rocky! i like my Sis to throw it for me so I can chase it! sometimes i play with the sticks, too, but they break easier!luv,Shiro
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wow, akira looks so cool!
hey shiro, what are you chewing? is that a wood i see?
wet wet licks
you guys are so cute my mom said she just wants to HUG you!!!
You 2 look so handsome. Is Shiro chewing on a rock? Sunshade would love that.
~ fufu
hey akira & shiro,
happy new year! wish you have a very very eventful and happy new year.
wet wet licks
yes, it is a rock! i love my rocky! i like my Sis to throw it for me so I can chase it! sometimes i play with the sticks, too, but they break easier!
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