Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Quick Question

As you can see, we've been playing around with different slideshows for our bloggy. We want to ask our doggie friends who also blog if we can use each of your profile pics to make a slideshow to put under our links on the sidebar? we are still experimenting with this blog design business.... we need all the help we can get on that, too!

let us know if we can use your pic!

Akira & Shiro

We have made 2 photo collages of some of our bloggy friends. They are now up on the side bar. If you don't want your photo on there, let us know and we'll remove it. To see your photo better, mouse over it and it will get closer and show your name. Also, the link below it that says "Bigger" will take you to a bigger version. ENJOY!


Fu Fu said...

Hi Akira & Shiro.
What a clever idea to use your friends' pic for slideshow.
Me give 2 paws up

~ fufu

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi there,
I support your idea.. I give 4 paws up plus plenty of tail wags...

Big Licks,
Huskee Boy

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh yes, can I add your link to my blog too? Thanks for adding me!

Ivy said...

hey hey smarty-dogs! you are so smart to make a dog blog slide show. of corse you can use my picktures! use wutever you want!

sarah said...

well doggies (and doggie who thinks he's a hamster), our first attempt at friends collages are up. mouse over your picture to see it get bigger and watch your name appear! a link to a bigger version is below the collage. hope you like!

Anonymous said...

hi akira & shiro,

thanks for dropping by my diary. and please use my HANDSOME photo for the slide show. remember, the most HANDSOME photo only! :-D

i have added your link to my site too.

wet wet licks


Fu Fu said...

Hey Guys, I saw the dogblog buddies collages already. It's so cool and fun and I just keep moving my mouse over the pic and click. Hee great job.

~ fufu

Scuba the Muscle Boy said...

Hi Akira and Shiro

You both look so gorgeous. My mom wanted to hug both of you.

Hana said...

A&S, that is so kool! I luv it!