Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Follow Me

We have no idea where this came from, it showed up at the very bottom of an e-mail of amazing animal pictures, but check it out! A Shiba Inu raising some chicks! Well we always knew we were Chick Magnets!


Amber-Mae said...

OMdoG! That is too funny! Have not seen anything like that before...Look at them trailing that dog! Hehehehe!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

omdog that is the cutest thing ever!!

andrahyb said...

Oooh! That so sweet & cute!
How I wish I can atrract chicks like this Shiba Inu thou'

Rudolf & Goofy

2shibas said...

That is HIGHLY unusual activity for a shiba!!! How sweet!


Wiley & Fievel

Brownie Roo the Brown Monster said...

Awwwww how sweet

Brownie Roo