Monday, January 22, 2007


Shiro has been found!!! My former karate instructor, whom I phoned the night Shiro went missing just in case he happened to see him, spotted Shiro and kept him occupied with some bologna (yes, the way to Shiro's heart is food sometimes) until my Mom could drive over and pick him up. Reports from my family indicate that Shiro is doing just fine- he is not shaking like he's cold, he's not acting like he's hungry, he's not even dirtier than usual. Upon returning home, Akira and Shiro were excited to be reuninted, Shiro drank some water, then hopped up to his favorite resting spot on the couch to take a well-deserved nap! I wonder what he's been up to since Saturday night? I'm sure glad he's back, though, and looking forward to seeing him with my own eyes this weekend.
Thanks for everything pals: spreading the word, encouragement, wishes, prayers, etc. We sure appreciate it!



Anonymous said...


I am so relieved!

Big bear hugs for Shiro!

:::does the happy dance:::

jenna said...

thank goodness!!!

Joe Stains said...

THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mom totally missed your post that he was missing, thank goodness she did or she would have been way too worried!!

I bet Shiro had some fun!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...


Bussie Kissies

Ferndoggle said...

What awesome news Sarah! I can't imagine how awful the last few days were for you. Good to hear Shiro is home!

This is my first visit to your blog & I'm delighted to see another Dog Blog from the 'burgh! Good to meet ya! Stop by & see us sometime.

The Dogs of Jackman Ave

Boo Casanova said...

THANK DOG! is it far away from where your instructor spotted shiro? i hope shiro will be grounded for the time being - let him know he's been bad! ok ok, that's not necessary. just joking.

i wonder if anyone shower him yet. :P

wet wet licks


Huskee and Hershey said...

(Giant sigh of relief!!)
I am SO glad that Shiro's safely home.. YIPEE...!!
* Msg to Shiro - Next time you go on an adventure, please let me know where you are going.

e said...

OH!!! What good news!!! Shiro, so glad you're home and safe. HUGS

L said...

We just caught up on reading blogs and saw that Shiro was missing. That had to be so scary for everybody. We're so glad Shiro was found and made it home safe and sound.
Comet, BLU and their girl