Recently, Sis has been keeping a daily writing journal about her interactions with nature for her "Wilderness and Literature" class in grad school. Oddly enough, a number of these entries include us! She said we could share some of them with you, to give you a peoples-eye perspective of us. She is working on getting them all typed up-- here is the first batch for your viewing pleasure (Click on the small picture to see it bigger!):

***Note: When you click on the link, it is possible your Internet browser will resize the image to fit-- to accurately read the print, you need to see it full size, so (if you have Internet Explorer), mouse over the bottom right hand corner of the image until a box with four arrows coming out of the corners appears and click.***
Hi dogs. My name is Copper. Welcome to the world of dog blogs.
Hi guys,
I just wanted to welcome you to is really fun to be a dogblogger...and my mommy and I usually keep ours up to date..lately mommy has been feeling blah and not much to blog about..but we read yours and it is very good..Shiro you sure were a tiny tiny baby...i dont remember ever being that small...keep on bloggin......mj
hey hey akira and shiro! i think your sis reeelly loves you. wut more cud a dog ask for? i am not fond of snakes myself... especially the green snake in my backyard that spits out water and gets me wet sumtimes!
Akira and Shiro, Welcome to the blog world. Our girl really liked your Sis' Journal Reflections. She said your Sis might really enjoy the book "Last Child in the Woods" by Richard Louv. When my girl was reading that book, I kept licking the cover because it has a yummy looking frog on the front.
hi everyone! thanks for all the comments! this is just a quick note to let you know that we've been taking care of Sis, cause she's been sick. It turned out pretty good for us, though, because she was only going to stay one night, and now she's stayed two, and will probably stay on more!!! don't worry, we're taking good care of her, and will post more of our exploits soon. The most recent one involves another evil toad.
talk to you all again soon,
Akira and Shiro
Hey Akira and Shiro
Welcome to doggy blogs. Shiba inus are cool dogs and I've been thinking about getting one when we move to Japan. We have a black and tan mixed breed who will be moving with us to Japan. I've heard that Shiba inus are very particular about cleanliness. Is that true? And that they are quite independent and do their own thing as opposed to following or staying in the room with you to just seek out your company?
Fei & E
Hey Akiro & Shiro,
Looks like everyone beat me to it :-) Anyway, I would like to officially welcome you to - it's great to have you here and I am sure you will make lots of new friends.
Thanks guys for reading my blog...i agree about mom buying me the car.....I tried that ..if you really loved me" look..didnt work...she said that just cauze i have a doggy licence doesnt mean i can have a car....whatever....anyhow i enjoy your blog
Hey guys, welcome welcome!! You guys are soo adorable your sis must miss you lots.... Have fun, you'll meet lots of cool blogger here!!
ps. I have dogster too, I'm gonna add you guys!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Very nice post...
Me always like to see the work of others scanned into the digital world ;)
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