Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What do you mean I'm part cat?

Sis thinks it's funny when one of us does this. Akira does it to, but it's not been recorded by film yet. Here're some pics of me walking on top of the couch. Sis says I look like a kitty cat when I do that. Well, I never....



Boo Casanova said...

hey, you know who else do that? joey & tanner. they love getting on top of their couch too.

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...

Hey, boo is so right, and we are NOT cats. Not even CLOSE to being cats!!!

Boo Casanova said...

oh don't mistaken jaffe to stinky. stinky is JAFFA and not the other terrier jaffe.

wet wet licks


Ben & Darling said...

You did that too !!!

My Milky & Cheetah cat walk on it too. No wonder your sis said you are a cat alike

Simba and Jazzi said...

You look like your ready to pounce.

Simba xx

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh you sure stand very steadily on the couch. :) Is the view up there better?

~ girl girl

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I like standing on the back of the couch because I'm the tallest in the room that way!

A&S said...

yes, i can survey my whole domain from up there. and then pounce if something gets too close!

Brownie Roo the Brown Monster said...

That looks so very fun! Pity our couch is made of wood and I can't do that. You could be in a circus too!

Brownie Roo

Deanna said...

Dakota does that too! And she's 90 pounds!